
The quiz was not that successful as we have accepted  and still we were satisfied with the perfomances of the users who have attempted it .We are hoping to see more participation in our future events and thank for all the crackers.



Kamal Rathi bagged the first place in the annual edition with a score of  65 .Congratz Man !!

Jerin Philip ,school student from Kannur has bagged the second place with 60 points!! Well Done!!

Sourabh , Kolkata has bagged the third place with 55 points! Good work!

Other Mentions

MIT Chouwdary :35

Rohit J – 30

Puneet : 22

Anurag Thalpar : 21

Savio : 19

Bryan Glesson : 16.5

Prosrundus : 15







OK, even though late than expected, the set is now closed and we are tabulating the scores since many attempts were filed through e-mail.

We had less replies then expected, i think the guys got busy with Go-Ogle and all the stuff going around. Anyways, those attempts were satisfactory and we had a great time quizzing with you guys. 🙂

The Answers shall be posted here soon and the winners shall be declared before January 6 Midnight.



-Rithwik & Subin

We have decided to have a small rehersal of what that will take place tomorrow , Go – Ogle ,dubbed as the world ‘s toughest quiz  and also Captain ‘S END OF DAZE .So since tomorrow all of the users will be working on those two sets we  have decided to put this one day earlier .

1.TOTAL 120 points to be scored in the quiz

2.SEND THE ANSWERS to gsubing@gmail.com or quiz4rithu@ymail.com OR Post them as comments

3.Try to inclde all answers in a single comment

4.The result will be annoucned on Jan 4 , 6.00 pm


First : Rs 750

Second : Rs 500

Third : Rs 250

Part 1 –                                      (75 POINTS)

* There are 50 Questions in this part
* There is a hidden theme and 5 points of the theme and another 5 for the explanation
* All questions carry individual marks points on the slide

Part 2:      (45 POINTS)

* There are 25 questions in this part
* Which includes 3 themes of 5 questions each
* Each theme carries 5 points each and the point of the individual questions will be given in the slide

Questions are in Slideshare format , you can download them and work it out or view from the site itself

A small correction : No 35 & 36 Qs are not there !



Regards ,

Subin & Rithwik !!

Happy new Year Folks !!